Your Highly Expert Dentist: Currans Hill-Included

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Your Go-To Dentist: Currans Hill

Our dental clinic near Currans Hill is dedicated to ensuring your optimal oral health. Our experienced dentist, Dr Shaun Lajevardi, provides exceptional dental care, catering to all your dental needs. From routine check-ups to orthodontics, we’re your trusted partner in achieving a healthy smile.
With a comprehensive range of treatments, including veneers and dentures, we deliver outstanding results with the highest quality standards. New patients of all ages are welcome, and we offer convenient appointments to accommodate your schedule.

Smile Now, Pay Later

With affordable payment options, your new smile is only a click away!

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What Prompts People To Choose Us

  • Our dental staff consists of highly skilled professionals dedicated to providing exceptional dental care.
  • From routine check-ups to emergency dentistry, we offer a good range of treatments to meet all your dental needs.
  • We prioritise achieving and maintaining optimal oral health for every patient, ensuring a healthy smile for life.
  • Patients choose us as their dental family because we are a trusted partner in their dental well-being, delivering outstanding results with the highest standards.
  • With flexible scheduling, including Saturdays, we make it easy for new patients of all ages to access quality dental care.

Call our dental clinic today to book your session and experience the difference!

Dentist Currans Hill | Available Dental Care, NSW

Smiles Galore, Right Next Door

Promotions and Specials

Your Trusted Partner In Having Optimal Oral Health And Beyond

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Transform your grin with our cosmetic dentistry services, ensuring a beautiful smile that enhances your oral health and overall well-being.

Cosmetic Dentistry

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Bring your kids to our children's dentist near Currans Hill for gentle care that fosters healthy smiles and happy visits.

Children’s Dentist Near Currans Hill

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Brighten your smile near Currans Hill with our teeth-whitening services, which deliver outstanding results and a radiant and confident appearance.

Teeth Whitening

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Restore your smile's glamour with our crown and bridge treatments, crafted by our experienced dentist, to ensure long-lasting transformative results.

Crown and Bridge

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Relieve and save your toothaches with our expert root canals, providing meticulous care and quality results for your dental well-being.

Root Canal Treatment

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Experience expert care for wisdom teeth and oral surgery needs, ensuring optimal oral health and comfort for a healthier smile.

Wisdom Teeth/Oral Surgery

Watch our recent patient experience videos

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Frequently Asked Questions

What dental services do you offer?

At Available Dental Care, we take pride in our capability to offer various dental services to cater to all your oral health needs. From routine dental examinations and cleanings to advanced treatments such as cosmetic dentistry, oral surgery, and restorative dentistry, we are dedicated to providing high-quality care for every patient.

How can I achieve optimal oral health?

Attaining ideal oral health requires a combination of regular dental visits, good oral hygiene habits at home, and prompt treatment of any dental issues that may arise. Our experienced dentist and dental staff will work with you to map out a personalised roadmap tailored to your specific requirements and goals, helping you preserve a healthy smile for years to come.

Do you accept new patients?

Yes, we warmly welcome new clients of all age groups to our dental family. Whether you are due for a routine check-up or have specific concerns about your dental health, we are here to provide compassionate care and address all your dental needs. Our goal is to build long-lasting, reliable relationships with our clients based on trust, effective communication, and exceptional service.

What should I do in case of a dental emergency?

Dental emergencies can cause stress, but it’s important to act quickly to prevent further damage and alleviate discomfort. If you experience a dental emergency such as a severe toothache, a knocked-out tooth, or a broken restoration, please contact our clinic immediately. Our dedicated team is experienced in handling emergencies and will do everything possible to see you as soon as possible.

How can I schedule an appointment?

Scheduling an appointment at our clinic is easy and convenient. You can call our office at (02) 4062 8763 during regular business hours to speak with a member of our friendly staff and find a time that works for you. Alternatively, you can use our “Contact Us” webpage to drop us a message and schedule your visit.

Are your dentists experienced and skilled?

Absolutely! Our dentist, Dr Shaun Lajevardi, is highly experienced, skilled, and dedicated to providing exceptional dental care to our patients. We remain current with the newest innovations in dentistry and continue to invest in training and education to ensure that every patient receives the best possible treatment and achieves great outcomes.

Do you offer teeth whitening services?

Yes, we understand the importance of a bright, confident smile, which is why we provide professional teeth-whitening services at our clinic. Our whitening treatments are safe, effective, and customised to your unique needs, allowing you to achieve the dazzling smile you’ve always wanted comfortably and conveniently.

What can I anticipate during a dental check-up?

During a dental check-up, our dentists will thoroughly inspect your teeth, gums, and general oral health. This might involve looking for evidence of tooth decay, gum disease, oral cancer, or other underlying dental issues. We may also take X-rays to get a closer look at your teeth and jawbone. Additionally, we will perform a professional cleaning to steer clear of plaque and tartar buildup, making your teeth feel fresh and polished.

Do you provide dentures or other tooth replacement options?

Yes, we offer a range of tooth replacement options to help restore your smile’s function and aesthetics. Whether you are missing one tooth, several teeth, or a full arch, we can create custom dentures, dental implants, bridges, or other solutions to meet your needs and preferences. We aim to help you regain confidence in your smile and enjoy improved dental health and well-being.

What sets your dental clinic apart from others?

At Available Dental Care, we strive to provide an outstanding patient experience from the moment you walk through our door. Our staff is committed to providing customised care in a warm and friendly environment in which you may feel at ease and confident in the quality of our services. We are committed to maintaining the highest possible levels of professionalism, honesty, and quality in all we do, and we consider it an honour to be your valued partner in oral health.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
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