Cosmetic Dentistry

Creating Beautiful, Natural-Looking Smiles With Cosmetic Dentistry

Our cosmetic dentistry services encompass a comprehensive array of treatments designed to address all your aesthetic concerns and give you a sparkling, flawless smile.

Teeth Whitening in Campbelltown

Teeth Whitening

Let Our Cosmetic Dentist Enhance Your Smile

As a cosmetic dentist, we’re proud to offer patients a variety of treatments and services designed to aesthetically enhance their smile. One of our most requested procedures is teeth whitening. Patients can benefit from a brighter, whiter smile in less than an hour, making it the perfect lunch break treatment.

Here at Available Dental Care, we use the Pola Office in-chair whitening at our modern clinic. It’s safe and effective and will not damage or weaken your tooth enamel. It also enables our patients to safely whiten their teeth with the minimum of fuss and can whiten teeth by up to 8 shades.

Campbelltown Cosmetic Dentist

Cosmetic Dentistry – The Consultation

As with all types of cosmetic dentistry, patients are required to attend an initial consultation to assess their suitability for treatment – and teeth whitening is no exception.

Some people are born with yellow teeth and this can be down to genetics or medications they may be taking. In these instances, our cosmetic dentist in Campbelltown may suggest veneers as an alternative. They give a gleaming white smile and do not stain like teeth.
If you are tired of looking at your stained or discoloured smile, then teeth whitening in Campbelltown NSW could be just the right treatment for you.

The teeth whitening process explained

The whole process takes around 1 hour
Our dentist will seal all gums, tooth roots and restorations so only your teeth are exposed
Then, whitening/bleaching gel is applied to the teeth and allowed to activate
After a short period of time, it is rinsed off and the levels of whiteness checked
Our Cosmetic dentist in Campbelltown may reapply the gel until the correct level of whiteness has been reached.

Why do teeth discolour? Our cosmetic dentist explains ….

You may not know, but teeth have pores, just like our skin. This enables them to absorb colours from foods and beverages such as curry, tea, coffee and red wine, which then stains the teeth. As stains build-up teeth darken in appearance.

The only way to remove stains like these is with teeth whitening gel which is absorbed through the pores and lifts the stains out during the teeth whitening procedure.

Teeth whitening is a safe procedure but only when carried out by a cosmetic dentist. Patients should be aware that only dental professionals are legally allowed to whiten teeth. Off the shelf products are not always safe, and if the material is ingested it may severely harm the health of an individual. Some published scientific articles link off-the-shelf and bleaching without prior training to cancer.

How long does teeth whitening treatment in Campbelltown last?

The materials we now have use advanced technology which is going to whiten teeth indefinitely. The risk of regressing to original shade is minimal. However, depending on smoking and dietary habits, it can go back a few shades over time.

At times, the in-chair whitening is supplemented with custom made trays and at-home kit to allow top up and get the desired shade.

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Book An Appointment Today

You don’t have to put up with discoloured teeth. If you’d like to find out more about cosmetic dentistry and teeth whitening, in particular, give Available Dental Care a call on (02) 4062 8763 or book an appointment online.

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