A root canal infection can cause extensive discomfort and requires prompt attention from a dentist. If left untreated, a root canal infection could spread to other tissue, continuing until your dentist removes it either through surgery, antibiotics, or a combination of the two.  

If you have a root canal infection, call Available Dental Care to learn more about our root canal treatment options and to schedule an appointment. 


What Causes a Root Canal Infection?

Teeth are not completely solid. The middle of each tooth, called the dental pulp, is soft and houses the tooth’s nerves, connective tissue, and blood vessels. The hard outer shell of the tooth protects the dental pulp from bacteria. 

However, if your tooth cracks or wears down, whether from an accident or plaque and tartar buildup, then bacteria can enter the pulp, causing an infection. You could also develop a root canal infection if you have weaker teeth because of genetics, or have a deep cavity that penetrates the dental pulp. 


Symptoms of a Root Canal Infection

Because an infection in your dental pulp won’t just disappear without treatment, it’s essential you are aware of the common symptoms. While tooth discomfort can result from several oral health problems, several other symptoms indicate a root canal infection, including: 

  • Darkening gums 
  • Decay in your gums
  • Cracked or chipped tooth
  • Extreme discomfort when biting or chewing
  • Tender or swollen gums
  • Pimples or spots on your gums
  • Increased sensitivity to hot and cold that remains even after the hot or cold item is gone

If you experience any of these symptoms, immediately contact your dentist at Available Dental Care. Depending on the level of your discomfort and past dental history, they may suggest an emergency root canal treatment that day or make you an appointment in the next few days. 


Root Canal Treatment

root canal treatment aims to remove the infection from the dental pulp while leaving the outer hard shell of the tooth intact. Your dentist may prescribe you antibiotics to help reduce the symptoms and prevent the spread of the infection. 

However, to cure a root canal infection, your dentist must remove the infected pulp, in a surgery called a root canal treatment or procedure. First, your dentist takes X-rays and does a thorough examination of your mouth and teeth to determine if your discomfort comes from a root canal infection or other oral health issue. 

Next, they must prepare you for your surgery. Although root canals were synonymous with discomfort in the past, modern technology has made the treatment comfortable and relatively quick.

Dental patient

At Available Dental Care, we perform rotary endodontic treatments to remove root canal infections quickly. Our dentists use electrically powered instruments, which are quieter and less disturbing to the patients. Unlike the traditional stainless-steel instruments, our hand tools use nickel-titanium, which is more flexible and can reach deep into curved root canals without damaging the outer enamel shell.

Once we remove the infection, you may need to wait several days for the tooth to drain completely. We may place a temporary crown over the infected tooth for complicated procedures to prevent debris from causing further infection.

After the infection is gone, our dentists can complete the root canal treatment’s final stage by permanently filling your tooth using our 3D obturation system. The 3D system speeds the process up, making it easier for your dentist to ensure that they fill the entire cavity.

Finally, your dentist must restore your tooth to prevent further decay. We offer CEREC crowns, which we can complete the same day as your appointment, or you can choose from our options of zirconia, ceramic, porcelain, and gold crowns. Zirconia and porcelain crowns are both tooth-coloured and provide the most natural look. Particularly for crowns in the front of your mouth, we recommend porcelain crowns. 


Preventing a Root Canal Infection

You can reduce your chances of developing a root canal infection by taking care of your oral health through flossing and brushing twice daily, seeing your dentist every six months for a cleaning, and rinsing your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash. As soon as you notice signs of infection, contact your dentist. 

After your surgery, make sure to return to your dentist quickly for your filling and crown to prevent a new infection from occurring. 


Call Available Dental Care For Your Root Canal Treatment

If you experience any of the common symptoms of a root canal infection, call Available Dental Care immediately. Our team can help you determine if you need an emergency appointment or can wait several days before beginning your root canal treatment.

The longer you wait to contact a dentist, the more severe the infection can become. Take control of your oral health and contact us now: (02) 4062 8763


 Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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